Monitoring download data

Monitoring download data

After launch, use App Annie to monitor download data for both iOS and Android apps, which can help gauge resident penetration and determine how to allocate internal communication resources.

Accessing download data

Vincent Polidoro, the PublicStuff CTO, sends App Annie invites on behalf of PublicStuff Account Managers, so be on the lookout for a message from Vincent.  App Annie invites often get filtered to Spam or Promotion folders, so check these folders as well as their primary inboxes when expecting an App Annie invite.

  1. Log in to App Annie using the URL within the App Annie invite.
  2. Navigate to the Analytics button in the menu.

  3. Click on the Select button in the upper left corner.

    1. Click on the PublicStuff iOS icon to view iOS downloads.
    2. Click on the PublicStuff GooglePlay  to view Android downloads. 

  4. Select your desired date range for the download statistics. Select All Time to view the entire download history for the app.

  5. Scroll down to view the total download data.


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