What's the difference between Submission, Follower, and Reminder Notifications?

PublicStuff administrators have a variety of ways to set up notifications in the system to get the right email notifications to the right audiences in the municipality.

Request Submission Notification: Email the entire department, or individual users, when a new request is submitted.

Follower Notification: Email the entire department, or individual users, when a new request is submitted, and with every status change and new comment submitted on each request of this type.

Reminder Notification: Email the entire department, or individual users, to alert staff that requests are approaching their due date, have become due, or have exceeded their due date

Reminder: staff who are set up in the first step of the workflow will ALWAYS receive a Request Submission Notification, this does not require additional setup.

Here's an example of a request type setup for Potholes:

  1. The entire Road Maintenance Department will receive a Request Submission Notification when new pothole requests are submitted. As a group, they will not be emailed again about this request.
  2. Assume in this example that Zachary Jensen is a councilman very interested in the current state of pothole repairs. He will receive Follower Notifications for every comment and status change on a request of this type. Use this sparingly! It may lead to email overload.
  3. Assume in this example that Paul Wolf is typically responsible for the work done on Potholes. He will receive a Reminder Notification on the day the request is due, and every subsequent day it is open after that.
  4. Assume in this example that Alice Patrick is the Road Maintenance Supervisor. She will receive a Reminder Notification 3 days after the request's due date and every subsequent day it is open after that.