Can residents submit anonymous requests?

Can residents submit anonymous requests?

Yes, you can configure on a request type basis to allow anonymous request submissions through PublicStuff.

At time of submission, any request type allowing anonymous submissions will give the user the choice to dismiss the log-in process (as long as they are not already logged in with their PublicStuff account).

Mobile                                                          Iframe



Without providing contact information, requests submitted anonymously will not send email updates to the resident. However, residents can follow up on their submitted requests by referencing the original request URL (if they documented that URL) or by browsing the list of municipal requests via iframe or the mobile app, if it's marked public. If it's anonymous, and marked private, the resident will not be able to access any request details.

To set up request types to allow anonymous submissions

  1. Go to Admin > Manage Request Types
  2. Choose the request type of interest from the left side
  3. Scroll to the bottom, and toggle the option to On (the default is Off)
  4. Click Save


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