Sensitive Requests

Sensitive Requests

Request types or individual requests can be marked Sensitive to limit their visibility to specified users within PublicStuff Pro. If you would like to make a request or request type not visible to the public, you will mark it Private.

Sensitive Request Visibility

Sensitive requests are visible and editable by the request's current assignee and PublicStuff Pro administrators, as well as the specified departments and users. Unlike in previous versions of PublicStuff, PublicStuff Pro managers no longer have default access to Sensitive Requests. 

Marking a Request Sensitive

  1. Making a Request Type Sensitive

Certain request types, such as non-emergency Police department requests, are likely to contain confidential information within the Request Details. Consider marking non-emergency police requests Sensitive as well as any additional request types in which confidential information is relayed in the Request Details or Comments. 

2. Marking Individual Requests Sensitive

Mark individual requests Sensitive to limit visibility after request submission. Choose Sensitive from the Options drop down menu within the Request Details page.