Staff permissions and visibility

Staff permissions and visibility

By default, all PublicStuff Gov users can view any Request Details page, unless a request is marked Sensitive (only Gov users can mark requests sensitive). Editing permissions for requests are determined by the user’s permission levels.

The four levels of permissions in PublicStuff Pro: Staff, Lead, Manager, and Admin, are outlined in the permissions matrix below. Set permission levels in individual user accounts in Manage Users.



Staff can edit currently assigned requests as well as unassigned requests within their departments.

For example, Jim is assigned the first workflow step for a pothole request and Murray is assigned the second step in the workflow. Originally, the request is due on June 17th, but Jim needs to update the due date to June 20th. As a staff user, Jim is able to update the due date while he is assigned this request, but once he completes his step in the workflow and the request is assigned to Murray, he will not be able to edit the request details.


A lead can edit currently assigned requests, prior assignments, future assignments, the department’s current assignment and the department’s future assignments.

Petra has lead permissions in the City Manager’s Office. A public information request is submitted and Petra is assigned the 2nd step in the workflow. Confidential information is displayed within the Description field and Petra needs to make this request Private. As a Lead, she is able to edit future requests she is assigned, so she updates the request to Private.


Managers can edit currently assigned requests, prior assignments, future assignments, their own department’s current assignment, their own department’s future assignments, and all unassigned requests within Pro.

Terrance is an analyst within Community Development. An internal request is submitted from Code Enforcement requesting a new computer and printer set up for a staff member. This request will be fulfilled by the IT department and as a manager, Terrance can assign this request to the IT department and the specific user who will complete this request.


Admin have full access to all requests in Pro, irrespective of assignee, department.  

A request for a new curb cut to improve accessibility for wheelchair-bound residents is submitted as an Other request. By default, Other request types are unassigned until they are manually reassigned. Naomi has manager level permissions and reassigns this request to the Streets department.  

Sensitive Requests

Sensitive Requests: overrides the above default permissions and restricts viewing/ editing to the request’s current assignee, admins as well as any specified departments and users.



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