Iframe Improvements, March 2015

Iframe Improvements, March 2015

New request tabs make it easier to toggle between submitted, commented, and followed requests and the new combined search and request type list streamlines request submission. Additionally, the header is no longer the municipality's selected color, rather the font is. This eliminates the double header. Customers utilizing the knowledge base will also see articles included in the Iframe. Municipalities will be rolled over to the new Iframe starting March 5, 2015 and will continue to be rolled out during the week of March 9th. 

Track Requests Through the New Tabs Feature

It is now easier to track the requests you have submitted, followed, and commented upon by toggling between these 4 tabs to view your requests. Click on the All Requests tab to view all the requests you've submitted and toggle through My Submitted, My Commented, and My Followed to view subsets of your requests in list view and on the map.

Learn more about the iframe by visiting the Iframe main page in the Client Resource Center.


Search and Submit Requests


We've combined search and the list to make it easier for residents to find the request type they want to report 

Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base articles will continue to display within the Iframe for municipalities using this feature.