What browsers does PublicStuff Support?

What browsers does PublicStuff Support?

Browser Support

PublicStuff supports all current major releases of Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and versions 9+ of Internet Explorer.

Compatibility Mode

PublicStuff does not support Internet Explorer Compatibility Mode. Turn off Compatibility Mode when viewing both PublicStuff Pro and the Iframe for optimal use.


Reporting Browser-specific Issues

Click on the 'Having Trouble?' link at the bottom of any PublicStuff Pro page to report browser-specific issues, and include the following information in your ticket:

  1. Steps to reproduce the behavior
    1. Outline the steps you took to trigger the behavior
  2. The observed behavior
    1. Describe the issue that you are experiencing
    2. Is there an error message? If so, please include the exact text in your description or in a screenshot
  3. The expected behavior 
    1. Describe how this feature usually works
  4. Behavior in other browsers when using the same feature
    1. Does this feature work as intended in other browsers?



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