Gather Department Request Type Data

PublicStuff recognizes that new customers come to us with different processes and experiences levels with electronic request services. Many switch over to PublicStuff from a different request system. In either case, here are example request types that new clients may find useful. You can also customize the request types by downloading the examples here (XLSX).

A) For Municipalities New to Request Type Setup 

In our experience, municipalities have a more successful PublicStuff launch if they identify 2-4 departments to launch PublicStuff with first, and then expand PublicStuff to other departments in phases. It is less time intensive to launch with a few departments, especially when you launch with departments eager to work with the system or departments that have heavier resident request volumes.  

  1. Identify the 2-4 departments to include in your launch.
  2. Meet with each department lead separately to discuss:Once you have the information collected, you can begin entering the data into PublicStuff Pro. Follow the Basic Request Type Setup instructions.
    1. the requests types they would like to have in their system. Collect this departmental information in the PublicStuff Pro Services Worksheet (printed or soft copy).

    2. If you are managing a large volume of request data (i.e. across multiple departments), collect requests types using the PublicStuff Pro Site Setup Spreadsheet.

    3. In addition to generating the list of requests, discuss any additional data that would be helpful to collect from residents when they submit their request. Identifying this data will help you create custom fields for collecting additional information.
  3. Once you have the information collected, you can begin entering the data into PublicStuff Pro. Follow the Basic Request Type Setup instructions.


B) For Municipalities Moving from an Existing System 

In our experience, municipalities have a more successful PublicStuff launch if they identify 2-4 departments to launch PublicStuff with first, and then expand PublicStuff to other departments in phases. It is less time intensive to launch with a few departments, especially when you launch with departments eager to work with the system or departments that have heavier resident request volumes. 

  1. Compile a list of all request types used in your existing system that you want to transfer to PublicStuff.
  2. Work with all departments to:

    1. Confirm the request list is complete.

    2. Remove any under-utilized or redundant request types.

    3. Add any request types that are not currently captured in the existing system that you would like to add to PublicStuff, or requests types that residents conflate with other request types.

    4. Finalize any additional data that would be helpful to collect from residents when they submit their request. Identifying this data will help you create custom fields.

      1. This information can be collected in PublicStuff Pro Services Worksheet  (when entering department specific service request types) or collected in the PublicStuff Pro Site Setup Spreadsheet once you are ready to collect all service request types across your departments.

  3.  Once you have the information collected, you can begin entering the data into PublicStuff Pro. Follow the Basic Request Type Setup instructions.

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