Staff training agenda

Staff training agenda

The primary goal of the staff training is to train staff on the day-to-day usage of PublicStuff. To that end, focusing on the following are core topics will ensure that your staff are competent PublicStuff users. PublicStuff recommends sequentially following this outline:

Understanding request submission from a resident’s perspective:

  1. Choose a test request type that is relevant to the users attending the training.

    1. Cover the submission process from the resident side using the iframe.

  2. Alternatively, have staff download the apps before training begins and send test requests from their apps.

  3. Describe the communication line: residents receive a confirmation message, assigned staff receive an email as well.

Understanding request submission from a resident’s perspective:

  1. Next, log in to PublicStuff Pro to follow the request example to walk through request management best practices for staff.

    1. Show the Dashboard to display where a user’s assigned requests are shown.

    2. Choose the submitted request from the Dashboard or search for it in the Reports page.

    3. Review the Request Details page to show the information sent from the resident.

  2. Discuss how communication for specific requests works internally and externally.

    1. Show examples of how to Comment to the resident (Public) and Notes or Comments to other staff (Internal).

    2. Highlight the toggle from Internal to Public for Public comments. Forgetting to toggle from Internal to Public in order to make a Public comment is one of the most frequent mistakes made in PublicStuff!

  3. Status updates are another form of communication and important for task management

    1. Demonstrate how to keep the resident updated by changing the Status on the request. You can also use Comments here as well.

    2. Describe how these actions trigger emails or push notifications on their mobile phones.

  4. Task Management and Reassignment

    1. What if I need to reassign a request to another staff member? Cover the difference between step reassignment (when there is still work to do on the task related to the step) and when the step is done and can be assigned to the next step. Steps can be assigned anyone, not just within the user’s department.

    2. What happens if the request is for the wrong request type? Show how to change the request type and reassign the user.

    3. Show how to merge duplicate requests.

  5. Sending Information and Requests

    1. Demonstrate how to send information outside of PublicStuff, for example, when a council member, commissioner, or other user outside of PublicStuff requests more information about a request.

    2. Display how to Email a Request to another user outside of PublicStuff. Alternatively, print from the Request Details page.

  6. Receiving traditional requests

    1. Demonstrate how to add requests through the Add Request page, for example, when a customer calls or stops by a department with a request.

  7. If you are leading a session with managers, cover Reporting and Filtering basics such as:

    1. How to produce a list of overdue requests

    2. Open requests of a certain type e.g., Playground Equipment

    3. Requests that are due soon, which can be viewed in both list and map formats

After completing the staff training(s), PublicStuff recommends reviewing the Request Type Setup with each department to ensure all requests are organized as desired. There may be changes to assignees, or to custom fields.

Browse the Client Resource Center to find answers to any questions received by staff. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, contact your PublicStuff account manager.


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