How does a resident follow or unfollow a request?

Following an already reported request in the mobile app or iframe gives residents the opportunity to subscribe to request updates as if they had submitted the request him or herself, without submitting a duplicate request to the municipality. After a resident follows a request, the follower will receive all request status updates and comment notifications until the request is closed.


Following a Request

Users can Follow a request in the iframe by clicking the Follow button (user must log into their PublicStuff account to follow a request).

Unfollowing a Request

Sometimes a user will accidentally follow a request (this can happen when they're browsing the request list on a mobile device and brush the follow button). Staff cannot unfollow a request on behalf of a customer in PublicStuff Pro - the resident user must perform this action on his or her own.

Users can unfollow by:

  1. Ensuring they are logged into the iframe or mobile app
  2. Finding the request id they wish to unfollow
  3. Clicking the 'Following' button to toggle off