The map is showing incorrect address or business information. How can I fix it?

PublicStuff does not have control over the business placement or address information on the various 3rd-party map providers used in PublicStuff. We recommend that the business owner or municipality request a map update.

Follow these steps to request an update to Apple Maps:

  1. Open the Maps app on an iPhone (not Google Maps, just Maps)

  2. Search for the business name or incorrect address

  3. Press the i button on the lower right corner

  4. Choose Report a Problem

  5. Choose "Search results are incorrect"

  6. Choose most recent search

  7. Describe the problem and solution to Apple and submit

Follow these steps to request an update to Google Maps:

  1. Open Google Maps.

  2. Zoom in and click where you see the problem. This can be a road, directions, an address, business, or other place. Or, search for the place you want to update.

  3. Click Report a problem in the bottom right corner of the map. Or, click Suggest an edit in the place card below the search box. If you don't see the "Report a problem" link, see how to report errors in the section below.

  4. Follow the instructions to report your issue. Or click Add a missing place to add a new place to the map.

  5. Click Submit.