Historical Data Input

Historical Data Input


PublicStuff recognizes the desire to retain and import historical request data from previously implemented third-party systems. PublicStuff offers a standard data import process to capture important data from the previous system to enable reporting such as number of requests per request type, and request closure rates by department.

There is also an advanced import process to retain more detailed data per request type.

Standard Data Import

This import style retains important information about previous service requests to be able to report on request trends from previous system to PublicStuff.


  • PublicStuff to provide a CSV file with appropriate columns

  • Fields with * are required fields

  • Other fields are available for Standard Import (if available from previous system) as outlined below.

  • Data Cleansing

    • PublicStuff performs minimal data cleansing for such imports. Municipality is responsible for removing any unnecessary or unwanted data and checking the validity of the request data

  • All request types must be entered into PublicStuff Pro prior to import

  • Request type names must match between import file and PublicStuff Pro. Data will not import correctly otherwise. If there is a concern the names do not match, the municipality is responsible for providing a field mapping.

  • Assignee names must match between import file and PublicStuff Pro. Data will not import correctly otherwise. If there is a concern the names do not match, the municipality is responsible for providing a field mapping.

Import Fields




*Request Type

Request Type. Must match request type entered into PublicStuff Pro

Playground Equipment Repair


Description of the request, either customer or staff entered

The spiral slide on the north side of Greenfield Park has a loose step. Please fix soon!


Comments on a request, either customer or staff entered. Comments will be combined into a single comment field

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Parks safety is an important goal for us. The step was fixed by the maintenance crew on Monday.


Department responsible for request

Parks and Recreation


Request Assignee. Request assignee name must match between import file and PublicStuff Pro.

Carol Thompson

Request Address

Street address of request

123 Greenfield St MyTown, ST 12345

*Date Submitted

Date request was submitted


Date Closed

Date request was closed


Foreign Id

Previous system id number


Custom Fields

Imported as a single text block into either the  Description or Comment field

Park Name:

Greenfield Park

Customer Name

Customer Name

Helen Smith

Customer Phone

Customer Phone Number. Imported as text so format is not important


Customer Email Address

Customer Email Address. Email address must be formatted correctly


*Required Field

Advanced Data Import

There may be more detailed data you wish to retain from the previous system. Importing this data requires a greater work effort and comes at an additional cost.

  • Advanced workflows: Systematically tracking the entire workflow history instead of open/close

    • This includes status changes, dates, and staff workflow history

  • Custom field mapping: custom fields can be imported into matching custom fields to retain custom reporting abilities

    • For example, a Missed Garbage Pickup has a custom field for Day of Trash Service (M-F). In a standard import, this information is included as text in the Comments field. In an advanced import, this information is mapped from one system to another in the Custom Field

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